Hot Former
HF series

- Features
- Specifications
This series introduces a single ram. Instead of open upset in the first process, forming is done in the die. This series consists of three and four station models.
This series enables more accurate forming that aids in the production of automotive hub blanks and thin products. Model Station Cutoff Diameter
(ɸmm×mmL)KO Stroke
(mm)Forging Load
(min-1)HF-250-3 3 34×50 35 2,500 160 HF-500-3 3 50×70 60 5,000 120 HF-800-4 4 60×110 80 8,000 100 HF-1000E 4 60×110 80 10,000 90 HF-1800E 4 85×175 180 18,000 70 HF-2100E 4 85×175 180 21,000 70 ※Specifications are subject to change without notice.